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Focusing on Eyelid Hygiene

Inflamed eyelids, also known as blepharitis, is something that a lot of people suffer from at some point during their lives. It's a common eyelid inflammation, often associated with a bacterial eye infection, certain kinds of skin conditions, or dry eye symptoms.

Common symptoms include itching, burning, redness, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, tearing and crusting around the eye. The condition can actually be tricky to overcome, as it's usually chronic.

But it's reassuring to know that there are numerous options available to handle blepharitis and make sure your eyes stay clean and healthy. Firstly, apply a warm compress, such as a washcloth, to your outer eyelids to allow the crust around your eyes and eyelashes to gently be removed before you go ahead and clean your eyes. The heat from the washcloth will also dislodge any remaining residue in the oil-secreting glands in your eyelids. At the start of your treatment, you might need to apply a warm compress several times a day for about five minutes each time. After that, you can use the compress for about five minutes each day.

Washing your eyelids well is a necessary part of blepharitis treatment, so it's best to find a proper eyelid cleanser or whatever product your optometrist recommends. You want to gently massage your outer eyelids and wash any residue away when you're done.

Even though it's unpleasant, blepharitis isn't catching and in the vast majority of cases, doesn't cause any permanent harm to your vision, so call your O. D. about how to keep your lids clean and healthy.