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Be Aware of Home Eye Safety This September

As September marks Home and Sports Eye Safety Month, we're going to highlight ways to keep your home eye safe specifically when it comes to kids. It's important to be proactive to guarantee your home doesn't pose any series dangers to your children's eyes.

In general, children enter the world with a partially developed visual structure that grows as they get older. In the beginning, newborns can view objects only up close. Throughout their developing stages, children are visually stimulated. Children's games and toys can be one of the easiest ways to stimulate a child's sight. Keep in mind, you should consider that a large number of childhood accidents take place in the house, many of them with games and toys.

What's the simplest way to avoid accidents? There are several steps you can take when selecting games for the house to guarantee your child's eyes are safe.

Firstly, ensure toys with long handles - such as sticks- have curved edges, and closely oversee children under two with such toys. Though building blocks pose little danger for kids of all ages, it's important to make sure the sides are blunted, in order to reduce the risk of eye or other bodily damage. It's suggested that you steer clear of toys that shoot objects in the air, such as slingshots or dart guns. In an instance where this is not possible, then shooting toys should be monitored by a responsible grown-up. When letting older children play with a chemistry set or woodworking tools, be sure to provide him with safety goggles.

Toys are not the only danger in the home environment. Sharp corners on counters or tables are a common source of injury for shorter children and should be protected. Cleaning solutions that are accessible are a further source of danger for children and must be stored away or behind a locked cabinet to prevent curious children from obtaining them.

Although it's true that games and toys for children won't always be totally harmless, there are lots of great toys that can benefit a child's eyesight. There are many toys tailored to specific ages that provide amazing ways to stimulate optical development. When selecting toys for kids, go for those that focus on hand-eye coordination and will encourage kids to understand spatial relationships. It can also be a good idea to do some research before stopping at the toy store. Then you can do your best to make sure your purchase will protect your children and will enrich their optical development at the same time!